Luc Nkulula

Activist Type

Celebrating the indomitable spirit of Luc Nkulula Wamwamba, a courageous political activist and pivotal figure in the pro-democracy youth movement Lucha in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Luc, affectionately known as H2O within Lucha due to his vital role in the movement, fearlessly challenged authority, engaging directly with President Joseph Kabila to demand democratic change. Despite facing arrests, beatings, and repression, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of a better future for Congolese youth. Luc's tragic passing, believed to be an assassination, underscores the ongoing struggle for reform in the DRC. His legacy serves as a beacon of hope for political change and dignity. "I’m not scared of dying; I’m scared of dying without having fought for my dignity and that of my people," he once said, encapsulating his unwavering commitment to the cause.

Artwork by
Naomi Likayi

Luc Nkulula was a lawyer and political activist within LUCHA, which is a decentralized youth movement in the eastern part of the DRC. He was one of the many from Goma to Kinshasa who challenged those complicit in systematically exploiting our people and resources. In creating this portrait of Luc, I wanted to affirm he wasn’t just a symbol of martyrdom, but he was made of the gifts and visual guides that the ancestors and the Creator left behind:

  • He was a messenger (dual chevron) and immortalized (lizard) through his work as signified on his chest
  • Had the divine gifts of 5 branches over his nose: speech, intelligence, the pillar, work (support and cooperation), and procreation (fertility and creativity). 
Lastly was surrounded by the pre-tainted primordial rainwater, given that one of Luc’s campaigns of justice for Goma to have safe access to clean drinking water earned him the nickname H20.  

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo Flag
June 30, 1960
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