Fenton Lutunatabua

Activist Type

Fenton Lutunatabua is a true climate warrior, tirelessly working to address the pressing issue of climate change. His commitment to the Pacific Islands and its people is evident in his work. Through his captivating writing, compelling photography, and role as a media relations expert, Fenton strives to create a world where the voices of those affected by climate change are heard, and sustainable solutions are prioritized. Based in Fiji, Fenton deeply connects to the Pacific Islands and its communities. Through his role with 350.org, he has traveled extensively across the region and beyond, documenting the stories of the Humans of the Pacific Islands, illuminating the urgency of climate justice and catalyzing positive global transformation. His proficiency in media relations and communication bolsters the climate activism cause. Fenton aims to raise awareness about the urgent need for climate justice and to inspire positive change on a global scale. With his talent, passion, and unwavering determination, Fenton inspires all who believe in the power of storytelling and advocacy to drive positive change.

Artwork by
Stephen Lim

This illustration of Fenton emanates strength and purpose through bold, vibrant colors and a flat style. In this portrayal, he stands as a heroic guardian of the ocean, adorned in armor that symbolizes his commitment to defending the seas and combating climate change.


Fiji Flag
October 10, 1970
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